Renee Hugger, AFC (Accredited Financial Counselor) Blog Page

If you are like me, you want to save as much money on your auto insurance as you possibly can. You no longer have to wish you could save $100+ on auto insurance when the bill comes in the mail. Ultimately, I am here to tell you how to save $200+ on your auto insurance annually with the powerful budget.

When I was just starting out on my own, I remember getting my bill in the mail every 6 months. I would open the mail and read the invoice inside. The payment options were to either pay in full, and receive a discount of $100+, or pay monthly.

With this in mind, I always wished there was a way for me to figure out how I could make this payment in full. It’s important to realize there was nothing I wanted more than to keep the $100+ I worked so hard to make. As a result, I felt frustrated and irritated. Another six months had gone by and I wasn’t able to save the money for my auto insurance like I was hoping.

For one thing, I didn’t have a plan. I had a budget, but my budget didn’t work for me. For this reason, I remember feeling like I let myself down, but I was going to keep my chin up and try again. To make it clear, your budget has to actually work for you. This point is so important! If you are just starting out, here is an article on Budgeting for Beginners.

Certainly, auto insurance is expensive and it’s necessary to protect yourself and your automobiles in case of an accident. However, there is no instant gratification like buying your favorite pair of jeans. Therefore, why pay more for auto insurance when you can easily save the money yourself?

Make a financial plan to keep your hard-earned money

It’s important to realize, the very best way to keep your hard-earned money is to have plan. It’s important to remember that your plan needs to include an awesome budget that works hard for you. Check out 6 Motivational Reasons to Create a Budget.

I am not talking about some run of the mill, ordinary budget with income minus expenses equals your cash left over. To emphasize, I know this type of budget, I had it and it doesn’t work.

To clarify, I am talking about a powerful budget with important details that really zero in on your income, expenses and savings. A budget that will keep your hard-earned money in your pocket. A budget that will help you save money for big expenses throughout the year like auto insurance.

Ultimately, the budget you use is an important spreadsheet that cannot be underestimated. In fact, it’s so important to me, that you have a budget that will work hard for you, that I created one.

I created an awesome, hard-working budget that will do all of this just this for you. Above all, it’s not just an ordinary budget. It is designed especially for you so you can save money on your auto insurance and make monthly insurance payments to yourself! As a result, this will allow you to pay the 6-month premium when you get your bill. In the long run, you will save money by using this budget!

Paying monthly for auto insurance

Consequently, choosing to make monthly auto insurance payments is like giving away your hard-earned money to your insurance company. Under these circumstances, you are paying them $100+ dollars for 6 months to save your money for you. You are paying for a convenience.

Given these points, think of this on an annual basis. If you are paying them $100+ every 6 months, annually, you are paying your insurance company $200+ dollars to save your money. After all, why save money on your auto insurance and pay yourself to save your money! Imagine what you could do with an extra $200!  Get the budget I created for you and start saving money on your auto insurance!

Paying Semi-Annually for auto insurance

Paying semi-annually (every 6 months) for auto insurance will save you $200+ a year. This is the best way to keep your hard-earned money for yourself and your family.

For this reason, I created an awesome budget template that will do this for you! You are going to totally love it! Not only will you love it, it’s going to save you money on your auto insurance.

In fact, it’s the spreadsheet I use in my life today to stay organized, budget for big expenses and save money. This budget will keep your financial information organized. In addition, you will have important data right at your fingertips.

This budget allows me to save money on my auto insurance by paying in full. More importantly, I want you to be able to do this too. In the first place, I don’t want to pay someone to save my money for me. Second of all, I am totally capable of doing it myself. Now, you can too!

How to change from paying monthly to semi-annually

To emphasize, using this budget is how I changed from making monthly auto insurance payments to paying myself and keeping my hard-earned money. In my budget under fixed expenses, I have a line item for auto insurance with the monthly amount.

I then added a 2nd line item for auto insurance. It was hard for me to add another expense at first. To make it easier, I divided the monthly payment into 2 easier payments per month.

As an illustration I had One-half of the monthly insurance payment coming out of my paycheck on the 1st of the month and also one-half coming out of my paycheck on the 15th of the month. In fact, I did this for 6 months. As a result, I had enough money to pay my invoice in full and save $100+ on my auto insurance! Surely, I was so excited!! I am sure you will be too!

How to Keep your hard-earned money!

Ultimately, the best and easiest way to keep your hard-earned money is to get the budget that I created for you. This budget will make your financial life so much easier! Not to mention, you will start saving money on your auto insurance when the invoice comes due like I did. I want to make it easier for you to save for big expenses that happen every year. Here’s how:

Step 1. Sign up on my email list to get your awesome budget template. Download the Budgetpro template.

Step 2. Fill in the Budgetpro template worksheet with all your financial information. This worksheet comes with a tutorial. As a result, you will be successful in making your budget.

Step 3. Make a second line item in your budget to pay yourself on a monthly basis for auto insurance. If you have extra money in your cash flow, you can start making payments to yourself right away!

Many people don’t have this luxury. Let’s explore some ways to cut corners out of your every-day spending.

Here are some things I do to save money quickly.
  1. Make 1-2 meatless dinners per week.
  2. Make bigger meals so you have leftovers or freeze them.
  3. Purchase items on sale or use coupons at the grocery store.
  4. Reduce your trips to the grocery store by consuming most of the food in your cupboards and refrigerator.
  5. When you go to Walmart/Target only buy what is on your shopping list.
  6. Do not go to the store to “browse around”. This creates more wants and usually more spending.
  7. Cut down on your dining out.
  8. Explore the simple pleasures in life vs. expensive entertainment
  9. Only purchase things you absolutely need.
  10. Eliminate subscriptions or downgrade streaming services to save money for 6 months.

In summary, get the budget template that will work hard for you and save $200+ annually on your auto insurance. All in all, this budget will help you plan for large annual expense while saving you money. You will also have important information at your fingertips. Given all these points, this budget will provide you with an in depth look at your income, expenses, savings and cash flow (money left over).

If you struggle with making a budget, I am here to help! Stop struggling and get in touch. I want to help you and am passionate about helping you. I love talking about money and ways to make your money life easier. Financial happiness starts here.

Happy Budgeting!

Learn More!

I hope you found this information helpful!

Any recommendations I make should be taken into consideration with your values and goals. You should make the best decision that aligns with your family’s values.

As a Financial Coach, my mission is to help families save more, spend less so they can buy and do the things most important to them and spend their time and energy focusing on their kids.

Spending quality time with your kids is more important than stressing about finances. Instead of going to friends and family and sharing your financial struggles, reach out to me. I love talking about money, values, assessments and strategies to make positive changes to your financial habits to live a life you love.

Stressed About Finances?

I understand because I’ve been through some really challenging financial situations. Learn more about me.

I’m a kind, heart-centered coach who is excited to help you! If you’re struggling with your finances, get the results you want – I promise to keep you accountable and help you manage your finances successfully . I have a 100% guaranteed or your money back for the 1st session!

Finally, I wish you success in your financial journey😊

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